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 Ralixx's Application

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Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: Ralixx's Application   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2009 12:12 am

1. Have you read and understood the rules of the Helper Guild?
Yes i have

2. Most active characters and main:
Ralixx-main at the moment

3. Name and class of character you would add to the guild:
Ralixx-Baby archer soon to be bard

4. You are aware that this character will not be able to PvP or Woe?
i have never been fond of pvp or woe so i am fine with that

5. Country you live in
North America Washington State

6. What days are you active and how many hours?:
since it is the summer i am on almost every day unless a emergency comes up in my real life and i am on for 5-7 hours a day. During the school year since i will be starting freshman year i will be on less frequently most likely 3 days a week for 4 hours each.

7. How long have you been playing RO?
i have been playing for 6 years this December

8. Have you played other servers? If so, which?
spiritus Ro (was canceled after moderater quit) Funro, Darkro
sro- 1 year funro-3 1/2 years Darkro- a little more then half a year

9. How long have you been in FeelRO?
since May 26th

10. Previous/Current Guild/s:
Krone. is in Metal Valor

11. Your most played job/class - or most valuable
experiences at those for your helper job:

12. Are there jobs/classes you might not know everything about yet?
i know more then average information about all the original classes except the mage section since i've never had a ok mage i cant say i know everything about any classes since more about each one is added and found out almost every big update

13. Do you know how to use the Help Channel?
i do now thanks to Doritoz =D

14. Do you know how to find item IDs, Monster IDs, various locations and other
things players might ask you about? yes and if i don't i will ask a fellow helper in guild chat to come help or pm me the answer

15. Do you think you will be able to watch the help channel and
help out as much as you can due to your current knowledge?
yes and if i am not in the postition to help i will do my best to learn more from either a gm the forum or a fellow helper

16. What would you do if a problem with one of your guildmembers occurs?
if it involves me i would look for a logical way to solve it with out violence or out bursts if it does not involve me but looks like it may get bad i would get myself involved to put a hold to it at once by going to the source of the problem

17. What languages do you speak?
English fluently a little bit of Italian and Russian, learning french atm so i can help if i become a helper

18. Lastly, why do you want to become a helper and what would you add to our team?

I want to become a helper because i started out as someone who didn't understand
what they were doing in a new area once so i would relate to the people who are just starting out and be able to start them off with where to head for decent equips and items.And there is parts of the day where i see someone running around town calling out for a gm or helper and no one is their to help when (s)he is in need and i want to change that so when someone calls for help i or a fellow helper is there to assist.

19.Any Additions, Referrals from Helpers?
i was hoping _cullen_ would be on so i could get approval for his name but he isn't on so im going to put down a maybe for a hope that he did since he told me that i should become a helper and gave me grats for helping people on my free time.
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Loyal Helper

Zodiac : Libra
Posts : 138
Join date : 2009-06-19
Age : 36
Location : Aussie

Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ralixx's Application   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2009 12:56 am

1. Have you read and understood the rules of the Helper Guild?

Yes i have

2. Most active characters and main:

Ralixx-main at the moment

3. Name and class of character you would add to the guild:

Ralixx-Baby archer soon to be bard

4. You are aware that this character will not be able to PvP or Woe?

i have never been fond of pvp or woe so i am fine with that

5. Country you live in
North America Washington State

6. What days are you active and how many hours?:

since it is the summer i am on almost every day unless a emergency comes up in my real life and i am on for 5-7 hours a day. During the school year since i will be starting freshman year i will be on less frequently most likely 3 days a week for 4 hours each.

7. How long have you been playing RO?

i have been playing for 6 years this December

8. Have you played other servers? If so, which?

spiritus Ro (was canceled after moderater quit) Funro, Darkro
sro- 1 year funro-3 1/2 years Darkro- a little more then half a year

9. How long have you been in FeelRO?

since May 26th

10. Previous/Current Guild/s:

Krone. is in Metal Valor

11. Your most played job/class - or most valuable

experiences at those for your helper job:

This was empty ?? ( -1 for being Empty )

12. Are there jobs/classes you might not know everything about yet?

i know more then average information about all the original classes except the mage section since i've never had a ok mage i cant say i know everything about any classes since more about each one is added and found out almost every big update

13. Do you know how to use the Help Channel?

i do now thanks to Doritoz =D

14. Do you know how to find item IDs, Monster IDs, various locations and other
things players might ask you about?

Yes and if i don't i will ask a fellow helper in guild chat to come help or pm me the answer

15. Do you think you will be able to watch the help channel and

help out as much as you can due to your current knowledge?

yes and if i am not in the postition to help i will do my best to learn more from either a gm the forum or a fellow helper

16. What would you do if a problem with one of your guildmembers occurs?

if it involves me i would look for a logical way to solve it with out violence or out bursts if it does not involve me but looks like it may get bad i would get myself involved to put a hold to it at once by going to the source of the problem

17. What languages do you speak?

English fluently a little bit of Italian and Russian, learning french atm so i can help if i become a helper

18. Lastly, why do you want to become a helper and what would you add to our team?

I want to become a helper because i started out as someone who didn't understand
what they were doing in a new area once so i would relate to the people who are just starting out and be able to start them off with where to head for decent equips and items.And there is parts of the day where i see someone running around town calling out for a gm or helper and no one is their to help when (s)he is in need and i want to change that so when someone calls for help i or a fellow helper is there to assist.

19.Any Additions, Referrals from Helpers?

i was hoping _cullen_ would be on so i could get approval for his name but he isn't on so im going to put down a maybe for a hope that he did since he told me that i should become a helper and gave me grats for helping people on my free time.
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Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ralixx's Application   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2009 1:05 am

sorry i didnt see that one can i redo it ali? =(
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Loyal Helper

Zodiac : Libra
Posts : 138
Join date : 2009-06-19
Age : 36
Location : Aussie

Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ralixx's Application   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2009 1:44 am

Ralixx wrote:
sorry i didnt see that one can i redo it ali? =(

feel free to....
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Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ralixx's Application   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2009 3:31 am

~Ali~ wrote:
Ralixx wrote:
sorry i didnt see that one can i redo it ali? =(

feel free to....

yup ^^ please add it. We'll comment then
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Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ralixx's Application   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2009 1:10 pm

1. Have you read and understood the rules of the Helper Guild?

Yes i have

2. Most active characters and main:

Ralixx-main at the moment

3. Name and class of character you would add to the guild:

Ralixx-Baby archer soon to be bard

4. You are aware that this character will not be able to PvP or Woe?

i have never been fond of pvp or woe so i am fine with that

5. Country you live in
North America Washington State

6. What days are you active and how many hours?:

since it is the summer i am on almost every day unless a emergency comes up in my real life and i am on for 5-7 hours a day. During the school year since i will be starting freshman year i will be on less frequently most likely 3 days a week for 4 hours each.

7. How long have you been playing RO?

i have been playing for 6 years this December

8. Have you played other servers? If so, which?

spiritus Ro (was canceled after moderater quit) Funro, Darkro
sro- 1 year funro-3 1/2 years Darkro- a little more then half a year

9. How long have you been in FeelRO?

since May 26th

10. Previous/Current Guild/s:

Krone. is in Metal Valor

11. Your most played job/class - or most valuable

experiences at those for your helper job:

my main expertise would be with the lord knight's since in the past on different servers
they were my main weapon of choice when having so many on one account and assassins id give a ups and down since i am learning more about them almost every other day from fellow assassins

12. Are there jobs/classes you might not know everything about yet?

i know more then average information about all the original classes except the mage section since i've never had a ok mage i cant say i know everything about any classes
because their is a lot that is still being added and since i am not so smart in the mage area i am willing to study builds and equips for it so i may help with that one day

13. Do you know how to use the Help Channel?

i do now thanks to Doritoz =D

14. Do you know how to find item IDs, Monster IDs, various locations and other
things players might ask you about?

Yes and if i don't i will ask a fellow helper in guild chat to come help or pm me the answer

15. Do you think you will be able to watch the help channel and

help out as much as you can due to your current knowledge?

yes and if i am not in the postition to help i will do my best to learn more from either a gm the forum or a fellow helper

16. What would you do if a problem with one of your guildmembers occurs?

if it involves me i would look for a logical way to solve it with out violence or out bursts if it does not involve me but looks like it may get bad i would get myself involved to put a hold to it at once by going to the source of the problem

17. What languages do you speak?

English fluently a little bit of Italian and Russian, learning french atm so i can help if i become a helper

18. Lastly, why do you want to become a helper and what would you add to our team?

I want to become a helper because i started out as someone who didn't understand
what they were doing in a new area once so i would relate to the people who are just starting out and be able to start them off with where to head for decent equips and items.And there is parts of the day where i see someone running around town calling out for a gm or helper and no one is their to help when (s)he is in need and i want to change that so when someone calls for help i or a fellow helper is there to assist.

19.Any Additions, Referrals from Helpers?

i was hoping _cullen_ would be on so i could get approval for his name but he isn't on so im going to put down a maybe for a hope that he did since he told me that i should become a helper and gave me grats for helping people on my free time.
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Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: i added more and tried to make it more exact   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 1:30 am

1. Have you read and understood the rules of the Helper Guild?

Yes,i have gone over them many times so i do not forget them and make a mess out of issues

2. Most active characters and main:



3. Name and class of character you would add to the guild:

Ralixx-Baby archer

4. You are aware that this character will not be able to PvP or Woe?

Ralixx is not one i would use for pvp or woe since he would be the most useless

5. Country you live in

United States of America, Eatonville Washington

6. What days are you active and how many hours?:

Since summer is just beginning i wont be on from july5-jul14 due to family vacation but after that i will be on 3-4 days a week 4-5 hours a day unless i have something to take care of in real life. expect me to be on longer and more if something interesting happens to me like doing a quest or making a new hat. which i am quite good at.

7. How long have you been playing RO?

I will have been playing a total of 6 years this December 30th on my birthday.
my brother introduced me to Ro servers when i was 8 i have loved them ever since.

8. Have you played other servers? If so, which?

I have played on three different servers Spiritus ro,Funro,and darkro i think i have great experience at the fact at i played on spiritus and funro for more then a year. I played on funro until my new computer could not store it and was forced to go with out.
I played spiritus ro until the administrator John quit and had stolen a total of 2000$ from the donating part of the community. Right after he did that i left the server for 3 weeks before finding a new server.

9. How long have you been in FeelRO?

since 11:23pm May 26th European time i figured it out European time since feelro is based closer to that then Washington. Sorry if im wrong not smart with different times

10. Previous/Current Guild/s:

Ralixx is in little monsters but he can easily be removed since my other character is in that guild

11. Your most played job/class - or most valuable
experiences at those for your helper job:

i am having question 11 added in with #12 since it answers both

12. Are there jobs/classes you might not know everything about yet?

I can not say i know everything about the classes but i can say i know more then the average ro player does about the original

13. Do you know how to use the Help Channel?

Yes, I know how to use it very well

14. Do you know how to find item IDs, Monster IDs, various locations and other
things players might ask you about?

i have the @commands so i do know how to find those named above and if for some reason i do not know the answer or can not find it i will ask a fellow helper or look it up on rate my server. I will also look it up or ask a fellow helper if i am not 100% sure on my answer and think it may not

15. Do you think you will be able to watch the help channel and
help out as much as you can due to your current knowledge?

yes i do, and if i don't know a question their will be more then just me in the helper channel willing to help

16. What would you do if a problem with one of your guildmembers occurs?

I have two answers.

1.if this problem involves me i would search for a logical non violent way to solve it without anyone's feelings getting hurt or more people who are not involved get involved with sides etc.

2. If the problem does not involve me but 2 fellow helpers i would wait to see if they can resolve it on their own if they can't i would get in the middle of it with a other helper to break up the fight and solve the problem by listening to both people in the fights story and looking into it. i would separate the two fighting by having both warp to separate areas till i could solve it.

17. What languages do you speak?

i speak the English language fluently and I am very literate but sometimes choose to shorten words at the fact that it is more fun. i know very little German and Italian if that helps at all and i am willing to learn any new language that is not too complex to help answer questions as a helper

18. Lastly, why do you want to become a helper and what would you add to our team?

I want to become a helper because i started out as someone who didn't understand
what they were doing in a new area once so i would relate to the people who are just starting out and be able to start them off with where to head for decent equips and items.And there is parts of the day where i see someone running around town calling out for a gm or helper and no one is their to help when (s)he is in need and i want to change that so when someone calls for help i or a fellow helper is there to assist.

19.Any Additions, Referrals from Helpers?

none that i was told of but please inform me if you did give me a referral so i can show my thankyou's and i thought celestia should know i made amends with musa and her and i are friends now and she understands why i got angry at her.
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Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: i am redoing it once more so i have as less as possible errors for tim.   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 1:33 pm

1. Have you read and understood the rules of the Helper Guild?

Yes,I have gone over them many times so I do not forget them and make a mess out of issues.

2. Most active characters and main:

Krone.- level 97/50 assassin

Ralixx-level 65/46 baby archer

3. Name and class of character you would add to the guild:

Ralixx-Is a Baby archer.

4. You are aware that this character will not be able to PvP or Woe?

Ralixx is not one I would use for pvp or woe since he would be the most useless in that situation.

5. Country you live in

United States of America, Eatonville Washington

6. What days are you active and how many hours?:

Since summer is just beginning I wont be on from July 5-July 14 due to family vacation but after that I will be on 3-4 days a week 4-5 hours a day unless I have something to take care of in real life. expect me to be on longer and more if something interesting happens to me like doing a quest or making a new hat. which i am quite fond of doing.

7. How long have you been playing RO?

I will have been playing a total of 6 years this December 30th on my birthday.
My brother introduced me to Ro servers when I was 8 I have loved them ever since.

8. Have you played other servers? If so, which?

I have played on three different servers: Spiritus ro,Funro,and darkro. I think I have great experience at the fact at I played on spiritus and funro for more then a year. I played on funro until my new computer could not store it and was forced to go with out.
I played spiritus ro until the administrator John quit and had stolen a total of 2000$ from the donating part of the community. Right after he did that I left the server for 3 weeks before finding a new server which was darkro.

9. How long have you been in FeelRO?

since 9:23 pm May 26th

10. Previous/Current Guild/s:

Ralixx is in little monsters but he can easily be removed since my other character is in that guild.

11. Your most played job/class - or most valuable
experiences at those for your helper job:

I am having question 11 added in with #12 since it answers both.

12. Are there jobs/classes you might not know everything about yet?

I can not say I know everything about the classes but, I can say I know more then the average ro player does about the original classes. In this game the only classes I am not the best to be asking for advice about are the area of Ninja,Gunslinger,Star gladiator,and Linker. I am learning more about them at the fact I have been Researching star gladiators for about a week now.

13. Do you know how to use the Help Channel?

Yes, I know how to use it very well.

14. Do you know how to find item IDs, Monster IDs, various locations and other
things players might ask you about?

I have the @commands so I do know how to find those named above and if for some reason I do not know the answer or can not find it I will ask a fellow helper or look it up on rate my server. I will also look it up or ask a fellow helper if I am not 100% sure on my answer and think it may not be correct.

15. Do you think you will be able to watch the help channel and
help out as much as you can due to your current knowledge?

Yes I do, and if I don't know a question there is always more then just one person in the helper channel willing to help answer a question.

16. What would you do if a problem with one of your guildmembers occurs?

I have two answers.

1.If this problem involves me I would search for a logical non violent way to solve it without anyone's feelings getting hurt or more people who are not involved get involved with such things as choosing sides.

2.If the problem does not involve me but 2 fellow helpers, I would wait to see if they can resolve it on their own if they can't I would get in the middle of it with a other helper to break up the fight and solve the problem by listening to both people in the fights story and looking into it. I would separate the two fighting by having both warp to separate areas till A higher ranked helper or gm cansolve it.

17. What languages do you speak?

I speak the English language fluently and I am very literate but sometimes choose to shorten words at the fact that I can get carried away sometimes and not remember things such as punctuation. I know very little German and Italian if that helps at all and I am more then willing to learn any new language that is not too complex to help answer questions as a helper.

18. Lastly, why do you want to become a helper and what would you add to our team?

I want to become a helper because I started out as someone who didn't understand
what they were doing in a new area once so I would relate to the people who are just starting out and be able to start them off with where to head for decent equips and items. there are parts of the day where I see someone running around town calling out for a gm or helper and no one is there to help when (s)he is in need and I want to change that so when someone calls for help a person is around to do the helping they ask.

19.Any Additions, Referrals from Helpers?

none that I was told of but please inform me if you did give me a referral so I can show my gratitude for thinking i should be a helper.
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Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ralixx's Application   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 3:04 pm


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Loyal Helper

Zodiac : Libra
Posts : 239
Join date : 2009-06-26
Age : 36
Location : California

Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ralixx's Application   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 3:06 pm

Seeing that you're going on vacation until the fourteenth with your family, we'll go ahead and archive your application. Until then, we'll go ahead and continue to scan over the applications we get to see if we find someone who we feel is more qualified for the position. However, with this said, we might not choose anyone due to an abundance of complaints that the Helper Guild has enough helpers as it is.

So for now, your application (take 4) hasn't been shot down and you've shown a lot of determination to become a part of our team. With respect to this, like I said, we'll archive your application until you get back and make a decision then. It's quite pointless and counter productive to recruit someone right now and then have them gone for nine days, I'd say.

Thanks. =]
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Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ralixx's Application   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 3:08 pm

Rueful wrote:
Seeing that you're going on vacation until the fourteenth with your family, we'll go ahead and archive your application. Until then, we'll go ahead and continue to scan over the applications we get to see if we find someone who we feel is more qualified for the position. However, with this said, we might not choose anyone due to an abundance of complaints that the Helper Guild has enough helpers as it is.

So for now, your application (take 4) hasn't been shot down and you've shown a lot of determination to become a part of our team. With respect to this, like I said, we'll archive your application until you get back and make a decision then. It's quite pointless and counter productive to recruit someone right now and then have them gone for nine days, I'd say.

Thanks. =]

Better to start off with your job when you are back Smile
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Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ralixx's Application   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 9:18 pm

are you informing me I am in the helpers guild? =D
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Loyal Helper

Zodiac : Libra
Posts : 239
Join date : 2009-06-26
Age : 36
Location : California

Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ralixx's Application   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 9:48 pm

We're saying we haven't turned you down but wouldn't go ahead and just let you in just for you to be gone for the next nine days. So for now we'll hold onto your application as a "maybe" and see what we get until it's time for you to come back before we make a decision.
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Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ralixx's Application   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 10:01 am

ok, now I don't seem to know when i'm leaving for vacation since my madre thought she would let me do the ticket information without telling me so i don't know when ill be gone and for how long but when i figure it out ill let you know.
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Ralixx's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ralixx's Application   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 11, 2009 11:26 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Ralixx's Application   Ralixx's Application I_icon_minitime

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