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application Empty
PostSubject: application   application I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 11, 2009 4:47 pm

1. Have you read and understood the rules of the Helper Guild? Yes, I have read and understood the rules of the Helper Guild, good madam and sirs.

2. Most active characters and main: Cherry Flavoured - Creator

3. Name and class of character you would add to the guild: best player - acolyte

4. You are aware that this character will not be able to PvP or Woe? Yes, it did clearly say in the rules of the Helper GUild, good madam and sirs.

5. Country you live in: United Kingdom [England]

6. What days are you active and how many hours?: I'm currently on my summer break, so I am pretty much active, good madam and sirs.

7. How long have you been playing RO? September 12, 2003

8. Have you played other servers? If so, which?I used to play PRO[ Philippines Ragnarok Online ], it was my first server. I then played different servers, ranging from low rates - to mega high rates. I cannot remember the names as they were random servers.

9. How long have you been in FeelRO? Almost 1 year now.

10. Previous/Current Guild/s: Unholy, Love Team, Philippine Alliance and What Guild

11. Your most played job/class - or most valuable
experiences at those for your helper job: I used to play clown, but i retired as I was told "YOU F****** __FAIL__ ". Although you could ask me anything about clowns, I can confidently give you a right answer.

12. Are there jobs/classes you might not know everything about yet? Ninja, Soul Linkers [damage wise]

13. Do you know how to use the Help Channel? Yes sirs.

14. Do you know how to find item IDs, Monster IDs, various locations and other
things players might ask you about? My account has been enabled with @commands, thus I can use @mi @ii @whogm @storage @petrename @idsearch @iteminfo @whereis @hominfo @homstats @duel @leave @invite @mail @sendmail and etc., good madam and sirs.

15. Do you think you will be able to watch the help channel and
help out as much as you can due to your current knowledge? Yes, if not I can respectfuly ask my colleagues If I come across any questions that gives me difficulty.

16. What would you do if a problem with one of your guildmembers occurs? This will be no problem as I am not emotional and I am Drama proof.

17. What languages do you speak? Tagalog and English, good madam and sirs.

18. Lastly, why do you want to become a helper and what would you add to our team? I feel like it would be a dream come true to be in a guild that could help people that has problems with gaming as everyone should be equal therefore everyone should be having fun and no sad faces Sad, good madam and sirs.

19.Any Additions, Referrals from Helpers? None that I know of.
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Loyal Helper

Zodiac : Libra
Posts : 76
Join date : 2009-06-18
Age : 34
Location : Switzerland x3

application Empty
PostSubject: Re: application   application I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2009 12:04 am

Applicat wrote:

14. Do you know how to find item IDs, Monster IDs, various locations and other
things players might ask you about? My account has been enabled with @commands, thus I can use @mi @ii @whogm @storage @petrename @idsearch @iteminfo @whereis @hominfo @homstats @duel @leave @invite @mail @sendmail and etc., good madam and sirs.

I guess you won t use it anymore if you come in Hguild ;p

I see that most of ppl think you're not serious, can you say / do something to prove us you are serious and not joking? Smile

That should help you to come in :p
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