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 Lourdes Application

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Lourdes Application Empty
PostSubject: Lourdes Application   Lourdes Application I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 5:53 pm

1. Have you read and understood the rules of the Helper Guild?
I understand the strict rules of the Helper Guild
2. Most active characters and main:
Lady of Lourdes - High Priest 99/70
Father of Lourdes - High Priest 99/70
3. Name and class of character you would add to the guild:
Father of Lourdes - High Priest
4. You are aware that this character will not be able to PvP or Woe?
I don't use this Character to pvp so I am fine with it.
5. Country you live in:
United States
6. What days are you active and how many hours?:
I'm on about 5 days a week; 5-6 hours each day
7. How long have you been playing RO?
About 1 1/2 years
8. Have you played other servers? If so, which?
iRO for 1 year
9. How long have you been in FeelRO?
6 months
10. Previous/Current Guild/s:
No guild from before nor now
11. Your most played job/class - or most valuable
experiences at those for your helper job:

Priest/High Priest
12. Are there jobs/classes you might not know everything about yet?
I don't know much of Monks/Champs and Hunters/Snipers, but I use RMS
often to know a little more about them
13. Do you know how to use the Help Channel?
I know how to @helpjoin, @helpleave, @h
14. Do you know how to find item IDs, Monster IDs, various locations and other
things players might ask you about?

I am very good at tracking down item IDs, Monster IDs, and location, but if I don't know, I often use RMS as second option to answer players questions.
15. Do you think you will be able to watch the help channel and
help out as much as you can due to your current knowledge?

Of course, I love helping people with their needs.
16. What would you do if a problem with one of your guildmembers occurs?
I would calmy ask them about it and I would try to help them in any way that will solve the problem.
17. What languages do you speak?
I speak English, and nothing else more.
18. Lastly, why do you want to become a helper and what would you add to our team?
I want to help people with problems that they can't seem to find an answer to like where to level, the right gear depending on their class, where to farm (depending on their class) etc.
19.Any Additions, Referrals from Helpers?
No Referrals to anyone
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Lourdes Application Empty
PostSubject: Name   Lourdes Application I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 6:17 pm

Since my first username i tried to make (Lourdes) was taken, i used Houshakuji instead but it was too long so now its Houshaku Wink
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Loyal Helper

Zodiac : Libra
Posts : 239
Join date : 2009-06-26
Age : 36
Location : California

Lourdes Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lourdes Application   Lourdes Application I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 6:31 pm

What state do you live in Houshaku?
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Loyal Helper

Posts : 64
Join date : 2009-06-18

Lourdes Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lourdes Application   Lourdes Application I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 6:32 pm

a little test for you:

what would you do if you did an Honest mistake on the helpchat, say...you answered something wrong and they started going crazy about it?
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Loyal Helper

Zodiac : Cancer
Posts : 233
Join date : 2009-06-18
Age : 83

Lourdes Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lourdes Application   Lourdes Application I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 6:34 pm

Along with that, please redo your application with EXTREME DETAILS.
Details help.
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Lourdes Application Empty
PostSubject: More detailed Application   Lourdes Application I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 7:38 pm

1. Have you read and understood the rules of the Helper Guild?
I understand the strict rules of the Helper Guild
2. Most active characters and main:
Lady of Lourdes - High Priest 99/70
Father of Lourdes - High Priest 99/70
3. Name and class of character you would add to the guild:
Father of Lourdes - High Priest
4. You are aware that this character will not be able to PvP or Woe?
I don't use this Character to pvp so I completely am fine with it.
5. Country you live in:
United States, particularly California
6. What days are you active and how many hours?:
I'm on about 5 days a week; 5-6 hours each day, but it really depends later on if I am busy with personal problems and/or school.
7. How long have you been playing RO?
About 1 1/2 years
8. Have you played other servers? If so, which?
iRO for 1 year
9. How long have you been in FeelRO?
6 months
10. Previous/Current Guild/s:
No guild from before nor now
11. Your most played job/class - or most valuable
experiences at those for your helper job:
Priest/High Priest- I would know the best places to level, gears, and best builds for the class
12. Are there jobs/classes you might not know everything about yet?
I don't know much of Monks/Champs and Hunters/Snipers, but I use RMS
often to know a little more about them
13. Do you know how to use the Help Channel?
I know how to @helpjoin, @helpleave, @h
14. Do you know how to find item IDs, Monster IDs, various locations and other
things players might ask you about?

I am very good at tracking down item IDs, Monster IDs, and location, but if I don't know, I often use RMS as second option to answer players questions, like some monsters I might not even hear about, and some headgears in RMS that seem to be event headgears in FeelRO.
15. Do you think you will be able to watch the help channel and
help out as much as you can due to your current knowledge?

Of course, I love helping people with their needs, if they are confused with anything or need help finding something for quests
16. What would you do if a problem with one of your guildmembers occurs?
I would calmy ask them about it and I would try to help them in any way that will solve their problem.
17. What languages do you speak?
I speak English, and nothing else more.
18. Lastly, why do you want to become a helper and what would you add to our team?
I want to help people with problems that they can't seem to find an answer to like where to level, the right gear depending on their class, where to farm (depending on their class) etc. I also want to try to keep things clean in the Helper's Channel because everyday, there are discussion and spam of sorts that don't seem to help out any answers to players questions at all.
19.Any Additions, Referrals from Helpers?
No Referrals to anyone
I hope it's more detailed Wink
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Lourdes Application Empty
PostSubject: and the answer to AppleJuice's question   Lourdes Application I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 7:51 pm

I would try to pm the person that I had made a mistake about the answer, and give them the right answer to them to calm them down. If that doesn't work, I know maybe a few helpers will back me up with the right answer. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Lourdes Application   Lourdes Application I_icon_minitime

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