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 Albert V's Application

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Albert V

Albert V's Application Empty
PostSubject: Albert V's Application   Albert V's Application I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2009 1:59 pm

1. Have you read and understood the rules of the Helper Guild?
of course

2. Most active characters and main:
Main-Loki Fujibayashi, active- Albert VVesker (alt account main-Iris Chan, active- Mia Trueblade)

3. Name and class of character you would add to the guild:
Albert VVesker (2 V's, not W) -Gunslinger

4. You are aware that this character will not be able to PvP or Woe?
i never do either anyways, i play RO for the friends, not PvP

5. Country you live in:

6. What days are you active and how many hours?:
no day in particular, but when i am on its for about 1- 4 or 5 hours at a time, depending on what im doing

7. How long have you been playing RO?
first started on IRO about 2 years ago

8. Have you played other servers? If so, which?
IRO (iris server)
Blackout RO

9. How long have you been in FeelRO?
about 4 or 5 months at least

10. Previous/Current Guild/s:
currently guild leader of Shadows of the Hunt guild (Loki) all other chars are members atm

11. Your most played job/class - or most valuable
experiences at those for your helper job:

12. Are there jobs/classes you might not know everything about yet?
yes, which is part of my reason for wishing to join the guild

13. Do you know how to use the Help Channel?
of course =)

14. Do you know how to find item IDs, Monster IDs, various locations and other
things players might ask you about?
for the most part

15. Do you think you will be able to watch the help channel and
help out as much as you can due to your current knowledge?
ill do my very best

16. What would you do if a problem with one of your guildmembers occurs?
talk to them about it in a calm manner

17. What languages do you speak?
English and french(to a lesser extent)

18. Lastly, why do you want to become a helper and what would you add to our team?
i am a very kind, helpful person, i learn constantly, and i want to be a part of something important on Feel RO. i may not know everything, but im a fast learner and im always eager to help out, especially newbies.

19.Any Additions, Referrals from Helpers?
i was in the guild for a while before but was inactive because i was finishing school and had exams to study for so i could get good grades. i graduated now tho so i will be on more often
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Albert V

Albert V's Application Empty
PostSubject: revised application   Albert V's Application I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2009 2:58 pm

1. Have you read and understood the rules of the Helper Guild?
Yes i have read them and understand them.

2. Most active characters and main:
-Loki Fujibayashi: lvl 99 Assassin Cross
-Albert VVesker: lvl 61 Gunslinger
-Iris Chan: Paladin
-Mia Trueblade: Stalker

3. Name and class of character you would add to the guild:
-Albert VVesker; he is my gunslinger and since it is a class that I am relatively new to, I have very little desire to PvP or WoE with him

4. You are aware that this character will not be able to PvP or Woe?
Yes, I know this but it does not bother me at all since I never WoE anyways, and I very rarely do regular PvP. I prefer just talking to people over fighting them.

5. Country you live in:

6. What days are you active and how many hours?:
I am working on getting a job IRL so i cannot say exactly when and for how long I will be on at any given time. That being said, however, when i do come on (at least 2 or 3 times a week) it is for 1- 4 or 5 hours at a time, but that really depends on what I am doing and with whom.

7. How long have you been playing RO?
I first started playing RO about 2 years ago on the International Ragnarok Online Iris server. It pained me to finally have to go but I simply did not have the time or money to dedicate to it.

8. Have you played other servers? If so, which?
Aside from IRO, i also used to play on Blackout RO. It was a cool server, by all means, but the ridiculously high level cap, as well as the server simply being too easy, made me desire something better. I think it was Blackout that finally killed my interest in PvP, as it was just too unbalanced; i just never could get back into it afterwards.

9. How long have you been in FeelRO?
I cannot remember exactly how long I have been playing Feel RO but if memory serves me correctly it has been about 5 or 6 months

10. Previous/Current Guild/s:
I am the guild leader of Shadow of the Hunt. I made the guild essentially for no reason other than being a gatthering place for my friends. We very rarely made any attemt at WoEing, and had only the occasional 1 vs 1 PvP matches. Unfortunately my guild appears to be suffering a slow death, because lately when i go on I am the only member online, and of the 29 members in the guild, 1/4 of them are my own characters.

11. Your most played job/class - or most valuable
experiences at those for your helper job:
Ever since I first started playing RO something about the assassin class appealed to me immediately. As such, my first character on a server is always an assassin. I am very much experienced in using assassin and assassin cross characters, but have been trying to expand my knowledge more with other classes.

12. Are there jobs/classes you might not know everything about yet?
I do not pretend to be an expert on every class, but for the most part i know how to make a funtioning character of any class, but generally I am not fantastic or experienced with most other than my main characters.

13. Do you know how to use the Help Channel?
Yes, i use the help channel often and am very experienced in how it works and how to use it.

14. Do you know how to find item IDs, Monster IDs, various locations and other
things players might ask you about?
I know how to use @idsearch now, thanks to Ruefulz, and if all else fails I can go on ratemyserver, as i have the site favorited and easy to access.

15. Do you think you will be able to watch the help channel and
help out as much as you can due to your current knowledge?
I would keep the help channel open, and would answer any questions i could help with to the very best of my ability.

16. What would you do if a problem with one of your guildmembers occurs?
I would talk to them about it and see if the problem could be resolved, but as a general rule I am a pretty easygoing person and tend to not get into arguments.

17. What languages do you speak?
I am fluent in English, as it is my native tongue, however I have also taken up to Grade 11 French, and while I may not speak the greatest French in the world, I am confident that if the need arose i could use French in a situation that needed it.

18. Lastly, why do you want to become a helper and what would you add to our team?
Simply put, I love to help people. As cool as the aura may be it is the least of my concerns. I have been helped, personally, by so many people whenever I have needed it, and I want nothing more than to be able to give back. I want to be a part of a team, and I want to help people.

19.Any Additions, Referrals from Helpers?
I was a member once on another character but was inactive due to me spending more time focusing on school work, as it was my last year and I wanted to do well on final exams.
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Loyal Helper

Zodiac : Cancer
Posts : 185
Join date : 2009-06-24
Age : 30
Location : Wonderland

Albert V's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albert V's Application   Albert V's Application I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 5:34 pm

1. Have you read and understood the rules of the Helper Guild?
Yes i have read them and understand them.

2. Most active characters and main:
-Loki Fujibayashi: lvl 99 Assassin Cross
-Albert VVesker: lvl 61 Gunslinger
-Iris Chan: Paladin
-Mia Trueblade: Stalker

3. Name and class of character you would add to the guild:
-Albert VVesker; he is my gunslinger and since it is a class that I am relatively new to, I have very little desire to PvP or WoE with him

4. You are aware that this character will not be able to PvP or Woe?
Yes, I know this but it does not bother me at all since I never WoE anyways, and I very rarely do regular PvP. I prefer just talking to people over fighting them.

5. Country you live in:

6. What days are you active and how many hours?:
I am working on getting a job IRL so i cannot say exactly when and for how long I will be on at any given time. That being said, however, when i do come on (at least 2 or 3 times a week) it is for 1- 4 or 5 hours at a time, but that really depends on what I am doing and with whom.

7. How long have you been playing RO?
I first started playing RO about 2 years ago on the International Ragnarok Online Iris server. It pained me to finally have to go but I simply did not have the time or money to dedicate to it.

8. Have you played other servers? If so, which?
Aside from IRO, i also used to play on Blackout RO. It was a cool server, by all means, but the ridiculously high level cap, as well as the server simply being too easy, made me desire something better. I think it was Blackout that finally killed my interest in PvP, as it was just too unbalanced; i just never could get back into it afterwards.

9. How long have you been in FeelRO?
I cannot remember exactly how long I have been playing Feel RO but if memory serves me correctly it has been about 5 or 6 months

10. Previous/Current Guild/s:

I am the guild leader of Shadow of the Hunt. I made the guild essentially for no reason other than being a gatthering place for my friends. We very rarely made any attemt at WoEing, and had only the occasional 1 vs 1 PvP matches. Unfortunately my guild appears to be suffering a slow death, because lately when i go on I am the only member online, and of the 29 members in the guild, 1/4 of them are my own characters.

11. Your most played job/class - or most valuable
experiences at those for your helper job:

Ever since I first started playing RO something about the assassin class appealed to me immediately. As such, my first character on a server is always an assassin. I am very much experienced in using assassin and assassin cross characters, but have been trying to expand my knowledge more with other classes.

12. Are there jobs/classes you might not know everything about yet?
I do not pretend to be an expert on every class, but for the most part i know how to make a funtioning character of any class, but generally I am not fantastic or experienced with most other than my main characters.

13. Do you know how to use the Help Channel?
Yes, i use the help channel often and am very experienced in how it works and how to use it.

14. Do you know how to find item IDs, Monster IDs, various locations and other
things players might ask you about?

I know how to use @idsearch now, thanks to Ruefulz, and if all else fails I can go on ratemyserver, as i have the site favorited and easy to access.

15. Do you think you will be able to watch the help channel and
help out as much as you can due to your current knowledge?

I would keep the help channel open, and would answer any questions i could help with to the very best of my ability.

16. What would you do if a problem with one of your guildmembers occurs?
I would talk to them about it and see if the problem could be resolved, but as a general rule I am a pretty easygoing person and tend to not get into arguments.

17. What languages do you speak?

I am fluent in English, as it is my native tongue, however I have also taken up to Grade 11 French, and while I may not speak the greatest French in the world, I am confident that if the need arose i could use French in a situation that needed it.

18. Lastly, why do you want to become a helper and what would you add to our team?

Simply put, I love to help people. As cool as the aura may be it is the least of my concerns. I have been helped, personally, by so many people whenever I have needed it, and I want nothing more than to be able to give back. I want to be a part of a team, and I want to help people.

19.Any Additions, Referrals from Helpers?

I was a member once on another character but was inactive due to me spending more time focusing on school work, as it was my last year and I wanted to do well on final exams.
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PostSubject: Re: Albert V's Application   Albert V's Application I_icon_minitime

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